Ungkapan dalam Dunia Kerja (Job Expressions)

What’s Up friends? We hope you all, studenta readers are doing great as always.

In this great chance, we would provide about daily expressions used in job activities. When we have a bussines or working in abroad connection, you might find the following expresions that are important for you to help communication easily understood.

Daily job expressions :

Back to the square one

This expression is used to inform about the bussines or project should be start from zero for anything case.

Break The News

This expression means asking for further news or any information needed.

Cash and Carry

This expression have a literal meaning. The common case to show the power of something valuable will be gotten if you can give much money. The higher quality will be more expensive, while the lower quality will be cheaper in price tag.

Hello who’s speaking ?

When the employee receive a new call and there is undentified name, you can start by asking who is calling by this expression and so on.

I am out of the job

The common case, this sentence can be used when you are not in responsible or stop for any previous job you did. This expression informs that you sre out of the job for totally resign.

I’ve got flat tire on the way to the office

This expression shows about problem in a employee transportation when he/she is kn the way to office. The specifically meaning is facing trouble of Wheel lack.

Just For your Information

Stating this expression before giving the main information. Sometimes people just make it easy only said “Fyi”, that means “for your information”.

Right hand man

This meaning is the most person that is beleived by the owner or boss in any case about bussines or company to handle what’s problem happening. But, nowdays , this expression is not used only in bussines sometimes in daily life out of bussines, could be politic or social life.

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