STUDENTA- Hallo studenta, semoga dalam keadaan sehat dan makin semangat menuntut ilmu. Postingan kali ini kita akan membahas materi kelas 7-chapter VII berkaitan dengan Descriptive Text. Teks deskriptif bukan hanya ada dalam Bahasa Indonesia namun juga dipelajari dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Materi ini diharapkan menjadi salah satu bahan referensi belajar bagi siswa SMP/MTs kelas 7 maupun referensi mengajar bagi guru.
Descriptive Text
Descriptive text / teks deskripsi yakni teks yang menerangkang tentang orang, tempat, binatang, atau benda tertentu secara terperinci / spesifik.
Generic Structure (Struktur Teks Descriptive)
Ada dua unsur yang membentuk struktur teks deskriptif, yaitu:
- Identification (Identifikasi)
Dalam point ini berisi tentang identifikasi suatu hal yang akan menjadi objek (tempat, orang, hewan, benda tertentu) yang dijelaskan / dideskripsikan.
- Description (Deskripsi)
Point ini berisi tentang penjelasan atau deskripsi rinci / spesifik tentang objek yang dijelaskan yakni meliputi: bagian, kualitas, dan ciri-cirinya / karakteristik.
Ciri-ciri Kebahasaan
Descriptive text memiliki tiga ciri-ciri kebahasaan, yaitu:
- Ciri kebahasaan yang pertama yakni menjelaskan suatu hal yang spesifik/khusus
- Kedua yakni menggunakan tenses Simple present
- Terakhir descriptive text menggunakan kata kerja attributive seperti has/have dan identifying seperti is, are.
Berikut ini beberapa contoh descriptive text.
Mendeskripsikan benda:
Tom : “Do you see my notebook? I put it on my desk, but it is not there now.”
Jerry : “What does it look like?”
Tom : “Does it have a pink ribbon separator? This one?
Jerry : “No. the ribbon is white. There’s a sticker on the cover. It’s shiny, white, round with a picture of an orang-utan.”
Tom : “It must be the one over there, on the teacher’s desk.”
Jerry : “Yes, you’re right. Thank you.”
Mendeskripsikan seseorang:
Anna : “Hallo. I’m in the bus terminal now, but I still can’t find Miss Smith. What is she like?”
Rena : “She’s tall. She’s got a fair skin.”
Anna : “Many people are tall and have a fair skin here. Is she wearing jeans?
Rena : “No. She’s wearing a uniform, black pants and a blue shirt with long sleeves.”
Anna : “I see three people wearing the same uniform.”
Rena : “She’s a bit fat and chubby. She’s wearing a black hat.”
Anna : “Oh ya. I see her now. She’s walking toward me. She’s carrying a back pack, isn’t she?”
Renna : “I think so. Okay, see you later.”
I’m proud of my English teacher. She is smart and very friendly. Her English is very good and very clear. She speaks English to us, and we speak English to her too. She often reads us good stories from different parts of Indonesia. She knows many stories from other countries too.
I’m proud of Indonesia
- Identification
Indonesia is a big country. It is between two continents, Asia and Australia, and between two oceans, the Pacific Ocean and the Indian ocean. It is the largest archipelago in the world. There are more than 17 thousand islands in Indonesia.
– - Description
There are many seas in Indonesia, the Java Sea, the Bali Sea, the Arafuru Sea, the Banda Sea, the Timor Sea, and many others. We also have many straits, like the Sunda Strait, between Java and Sumatra, the Bali Strait between Bali and Lombok, and many others.We have a lot of islands. The big ones are Papua, Kalimantan, Sumatera, Sulawesi, and Java. Of the five islands, Java is the smallest, but it is the most populated one. We can find people from around Indonesia.Indonesia also has many mountains. Many of them are still active and can erupt any time. We call them volcanoes, like Sinabung and Merapi in Sumatra, Merapi in Java, and Lokon in South Sulawesi. When they erupt, they bring out very hot lava from inside the earth.Indonesia is on the equator. It is a tropical country. The sun shines brightly every day, so it is mostly hot. It has two seasons, the rainy season, and the dry season.Buku siswa Bahasa Inggris kelas 8: When English Rings a Bell
Dari contoh di atas, dapat kita lihat bahwa identification berada pada paragraph pertama karena berisi tentang identifikasi negara Indonesia sebagai objek yang akan di deskripsikan. Kemudian pada paragraph kedua dan seterusnya merupakan description yang memuat penejelasan dari negara Indonesia itu sendiri.
Demikian materi pada chapter ini. Studenta bias mendeskripsikan benda lain, orang, maupun tempat studenta berasal. Sehingga tidak hanya belajar mendeskripsikan sesuatu, tetapi juga sembari mengasah writing studenta semua.
Apabila ada kesalahan maupun kekeliruan silakan hubungi tim studenta. Semoga bermanfaat. Stay safe and stay healthy. Thanks for reading!